Pädaste Manor | Pädaste Manor, a small luxury retreat & SPA Truly Muhu -

Truly Muhu

Performance at dusk by the legendary Muhu’s dancing grannies – bespoke choreography in combination with modern dance

A Muhu folk dance performance that takes you back in time. Great performance by the Dancing Grannies, who dance folk already since their teens, as once every Muhu boy and girl did. One of the surviving traditions on our Islands. Can be planned in combination with a performance of a modern dance troupe or individually.



Muhu porcelain workshop

Experience the techniques of traditional Muhu porcelain making.




Early morning outing with  local fisherman, emptying the nets

A unique early morning outing at the break of dawn- a guided fishing tour together with our local fishermen to empty the nets. If lucky you might be greeted by a seal bobbing in the sea next to the net curious about who else has arrived for the breakfast. Vodka shots to break the day are provided on-board.



Bespoke guided tour of Muhu Island and its historic sights

A knowledgeable local guide takes you to the landmarks of Muhu Islands’ history dating back to 13th century. Visit ancient churches and villages as well as the site of the avantgarde Muhu Future Festival Juu Jääb – one of the landmark of Muhu Island today.



Cocktails au nature – let us take you by horse carriage to a dreamy spot – enjoy cocktails in timeless surrounding

A sea buckthorn sour or rather a traditional dry martini? We choose a fabulous spot, you the drink.




All arrangements are individually designed, subject to availability and will be priced and confirmed upon a specified request for a date and number of participants.


For more information, please contact our Guest Relations Manager at info@padaste.ee or dial +372 45 48 800



See also



