Pädaste Manor | Pädaste Manor, a small luxury retreat & SPA Stark Nordic beauty -

Stark Nordic beauty


By Claire Wrathall, Financial Times
Published: Jun 02, 2007

The only stags you see are moose

……Muhu, a half-hour ferry ride from Virtsu on the mainland, extends over 212sq km, yet it’s home to just 2,000 people, along with 1,000 wild boar, some moose and seals, which gives it a real sense of isolation and escape. During the riots in Tallinn in April, this was where Estonia’s president sought refuge; while Yeltsin’s widow, Naina, was expected as soon as her 30 days of mourning were over.
It’s not hard to see what attracts them to Pädaste. Staying here does feel like staying with friends. Martin and Imre live on site and though there’s no forced bonhomie, they are visible hosts. It may not be luxurious in terms of glitz and polish but I have rarely felt so looked after.
One could spend a few days here simply resting at the hotel – so relaxed that they don’t start serving breakfast until 9am – wandering the coast, canoeing to the other islands or enjoying hay baths and the wood-burning sauna in its spa, all rough-hewn wood and colourful locally embroidered blankets. But it would be a shame not to venture out……

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